Passover Dessert

Chocolate Cake

Makes 10 servings.

 Gluten free, light, airy and delicious, this cake is easy to make and especially good for Passover. You can make it even tastier by serving it with berries or sorbet.


  • 7 ounces imported semi-sweet chocolate, broken into small pieces

  • 6 eggs at room temperature (See Note)

  • ½ cup scant measure sugar

  • ¾ generous cup blanched almond flour


  1. Preheat the oven to 350F.

  2. Line a 9 x 2 ½ inch spring form pan with parchment paper.

  3. Place the chocolate in the top of a double boiler. Cover and set over simmering water, stir from time to time, until chocolate is melted. Remove the top and let cool a bit. 

  4. Beat egg yolks at medium speed, adding sugar gradually until pale and thick, about 5 minutes.

  5. With a rubber spatula add the chocolate and almond flour.  Combine well.

  6. Beat the egg whites at high speed until stiff.

  7. With a large rubber spatula fold half of the egg whites into the chocolate mixture, then reverse the process, pouring the mixture over the egg whites.

  8. Gradually fold the two together making a motion like a figure eight until well combined.

  9. Pour the batter into the pan and smooth the top. Bake for about 25 minutes. A cake tester or toothpick inserted in the center should come out dry.

  10. Cool on a wire rack.


It is easier to separate the eggs straight from the refrigerator, while they are cold, as the egg yolks tend to break as they warm.

When the recipe calls for stiffly beaten egg whites, the best way to know whether they are fully beaten is to tilt the bowl – they will stay in the bowl even when tilted.     


Walnut Biscuits

Make 16, 2-inch squares. 

Flat, thin, crisp, gluten free and so very easy to make, these biscuits remain crisp and delicious stored in a zip lock bag, refrigerated.


  • 1¼ cup walnuts

  • 2 large eggs, at room temperature

  • ½ cup scant measure sugar

  • Grated zest of 1 orange


  1. Preheat the oven to 375F. 

  2. Line a 9x9 inch baking pan with parchment paper, making sure that the paper extends a little over the rim to make it easier to lift after baking.    

  3. Chop the walnuts coarsely in a food processor. 

  4. With an electric hand mixer, beat the eggs, adding sugar gradually until pale and thick.   

  5. With a rubber spatula fold the orange zest and the walnuts. 

  6. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan, tilting the pan to distribute the mixture evenly.  

  7. Bake for about 30 minutes, until firm to the touch.

  8. Cool on a wire rack.

  9. Cut with a serrated bread knife. Do it gently, so the biscuits don’t crack.


Pecan Date Meringues

Pecan Date Merengues.jpg

Makes about 4 dozen. 

These meringues are bite sized, gluten free, a bit chewy and easy to make.


  •  ½ cup pecans, 2 ounces

  •  1 cup, 5 ounces natural pitted dates, chilled

  • 3 tablespoons super fine blanched almond flour

  • 2 large egg whites, at room temperature

  • ½ cup scant measure sugar


  1. Preheat the oven to 350F. 

  2. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. 

  3. Place the pecans, dates and almond flour into a food processor fitted with the steel blade and pulse until the mixture is semi-finely chopped.  

  4. Beat the egg whites at high speed. When foamy, gradually add the sugar and continue beating until very stiff. With a rubber spatula, gently fold in the date mixture and combine well.  

  5. Drop teaspoons of the meringue onto the baking sheet, leaving a little space in between each.

  6. Bake the cookies for about 25 minutes. They should turn beige.  

  7. Let the meringues rest for a minute and then loosen them with a metal spatula. Place on a wire rack to cool.  


I store the meringues in the refrigerator in an airtight container with wax paper between the layers. They taste better when served straight from the refrigerator.  


Pistachio Cookies


Makes about 4 dozen cookies.

These cookies keep very well stored in a container, refrigerated. If you are running out of time you can just make the balls without placing the pistachio in the center. They are ideal for Passover and are gluten free.  


  • 8 ounces pistachios, plus 1 ounce for decoration, toasted

  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract

  • Lemon zest from one lemon

  • 2 large egg whites, at room temperature

  • 1/3 cup sugar

  • ¼ cup confectioner’s sugar


  1. Preheat the oven to 350F.

  2. Line a 12x18 baking sheet with parchment paper.

  3. In a food processor fitted with the steel blade, chop 8 ounces of the pistachios finely. Transfer to a bowl. Add vanilla extract and lemon zest.  Whisk the egg whites with the sugar and add to the nuts. Combine very well with a wooden spoon. The dough will be soft and a bit sticky.

  4. Spread the confectioner sugar on a plate.

  5. Form flat teaspoons of the nut mixture into balls. It is best to have wet hands and rinse them as needed. Then roll them in the sugar to coat well. Place on the cookie sheet and gently press a pistachio in the center of each cookie.

  6. Bake for about 18 minutes, until the underside is lightly golden.

  7. Cool on a wire rack.


Baked Apples with Cranberries


Makes 2 -4 servings.

This easy-to-make dessert is a warm, nutritious winter pick-me-up. The number of servings will depend on your appetite.


  • 4 tablespoons dried cranberries  

  • 2 tablespoons apricot jam

  • 1 tablespoon honey

  • 2 tablespoons sliced almonds

  • 1/3 cup warm water 

  • 2 small golden delicious apples


  1. Preheat the oven to 375F.

  2. In a small bowl combine the cranberries, jam, honey, almonds and warm water.   

  3. Cut the apples in half lengthwise, core with a melon scooper and peel.

  4. Place the apples tightly in an oven proof dish. 

  5. Divide the cranberry mixture among the apples.

  6. Bake the apples for about 40 minutes, until tender.

  7. Serve with the accumulated juices.